英国海外独立(首席)代表签证 备注:2022年4月11日开始首签取消,但续签永居不受影响。但是,取而代之的GBM - UK Expansion Worker英国业务拓展签证虽然不具永居导向,但是可以转为工签或其他类型签证累计5年依然可以申请永居。 首次申请 首席代表签证是英国针对那些总部设立在英国以外的公司,意欲指派公司高层管理者前往英国设立子公司或办事处,以便开展英国业务而设立的签证类型。对于身处中国,并且在公司担任高级管理职位的申请人来讲,如果您和您的公司打算来英国拓展业务,并且希望通过在英国工作满5年后申请永久居留,那么海外公司首席代表签证是一种最理想的选择。 英国海外公司首席代表签证是创业/创新移民签证(Start-up/Innovator)之外的另一种可行的移民英国的签证类型。申请人需要在国内的公司任高管职位,国内公司全权授权申请人来英国建立并经营其子公司,英语只要A1水平(相当于雅思2分),无具体投资额要求(要看商业计划书及英国境外总公司的具体情况而定),每年可离境180天。一人申请全家移民,配偶可在英国合法工作或经商,孩子享受免费教育,5年后可全家一起申请永居。 特别强调一点,此项条款不是为实现申请人个人的移民愿望而设,所以申请此项移民的关键在于总公司的业务状况,要证明其总公司有在英国开设子公司的能力,而申请人则需要有能力并被授权可以全权代表总公司在英国筹办建立子公司的各项事宜。 申请人及其家属都不是公司的股东或主要股东(持股不超过50%),因为此移民项目不是为了公司持有人或企业家设立的。 此项移民条例的优点在于办理流程短,签证率高,对英国子公司的经营状况/成果要求不高,容易拿到永居。申请人只能在英国全职为子公司工作且不可以在英国境内转为其他签证。申请人不用将大量的资金投入英国。对于申请人的唯一资金要求就是:如果家庭成员打算一同前往英国,则申请人需要有足够的资金保障全家的生活。 持海外首席代表签证的申请人不可以在英国其他公司工作或是经营与子公司业务无关的生意。 签证延期 首次在英国境外申请签证的有效期为三年。在签证到期前,申请人可以申请延期签证两年,自入境英国之日算起五年后即可申请永居。申请签证延期,申请人需证明自己的工资收入,在英国经营子公司的经济状况和达到要求的工资标准。 对于公司的运营及经济状况没有最低标准要求,但申请人需要证明分公司运营状况稳定并拥有长期的发展前景。 永居申请 如果申请人以海外独立(首席)代表身份在英国生活五年,则可以申请英国永久居留权。申请永久居留权需要通过Life in the UK和英语B1级考试,申请人需要证明英国分公司五年之内商业活动活跃,为此申请人需要提供公司的会计年报表,商业合同,损益状况,工资记录,纳税状况等相关资料。同时,申请人需要证明其总公司在国内的经济状况在此五年之内是稳定的。 此简介仅供参考,不构成任何移民建议。更多信息请与我行专业移民律师联系咨询。 |
SOLE REPRESENTATIVE OF OVERSEAS BUSINESS IN THE UK The Sole Representative immigration category allows an individual to come to the UK to set up a UK branch or subsidiary on behalf of an overseas company, where the overseas company does not already have a representative in the UK and will continue to have its principle place of business outside the UK. Applicants seeking to enter the UK in this capacity must first obtain entry clearance from a British diplomatic post overseas before travelling to the UK. The individual who will represent the company in the UK as the Sole Representative must be someone who is an existing senior employee of the overseas company. Someone can be recruited specifically for this role but they would have to be recruited overseas and have a track record of setting up branches for other companies. The individual cannot be a majority shareholder in the overseas company but must be senior enough to have full authority to take operational decisions in respect of the UK operation without referral to the parent business. Sole Representatives of overseas companies are required to pass an approved English language test to the basic user standard (CEFR A1 level or above) or to have the equivalent of a UK bachelors degree that was taught in English. The distinct advantage of this category is that the individual is not required to have any defined financial resources with which to establish the UK branch, as it is expected that the parent company would provide the necessary capital necessary. The personal financial consideration is that the individual must have adequate monies available to him or her to allow him or her to maintain and accommodate themselves and any dependants without recourse to public funds. A Sole Representative must not intend to take any other employment and must intend to work full-time in their role as a representative of the parent company. There is no requirement that a minimum amount of money must be earned or that the individual must have a minimum level of educational attainment. The initial leave is given for 3 years and that could be extended for further 2 years, at the end of which indefinite leave to remain (ILR) in the UK can be sought. The applicant would have had to have spent five years in the UK as a sole representative (must stay in the UK not less than 180 days each year) before being eligible to apply for ILR and cannot count leave in any other categories towards the qualifying period. When applying for ILR the main applicant and any dependants over 18 must take and pass the Life in the UK test as well as holding a CEFR B1 level English language speaking and listening or its equivalent. At the point of extension, evidence of the commercial activity of the UK company must be presented to show that the UK company has been set up and legally registered, and that it is active and trading in the UK, usually by way of company accounts, contracts, invoices, tax returns and so forth. There is no requirement however that the company must generate a minimum level of turnover but it must be evident that the company is stable enough to be able to support the Sole Representative and that it is an ongoing commercial enterprise. It must also be demonstrated that the overseas company has continued to have its main centre of operations outside the UK throughout the five year period, and that the conditions attached to the last leave have been adhered to. |