一、教育质量: 英国教育向来以其高质的金字招牌得到留学生的青睐,其所颁发的学历一般都能获得全世界的认可。因此学生毕业后,他们的就业前景和收入也能得到一定程度的保障,比较可观。 二、素质教育: 英国的教育理念是素质教育。 英国的毕业证之所以含金量高,受世界公认,是因为英国宽进严出的素质教育,确保从英国正规学府毕业的学生进入社会的各个行业都能学以致用,成为精英。 三、学制短: 在英国留学,学制比较短。攻读本科课程一般只需三年,而攻读硕士课程则只需一年。对于学生的深造和自我发展都比较合理。 四、国际体验: 英国留学有着久远的历史。在英国的各类学府里,全世界各国的学生汇聚一堂,在英国留学不是单单和英国和欧洲的同学在一起上学,而是和来自全世界各个不同国家的同学在一起作业,100%国际化。 五、费用合理: 一般情况下在英国的留学费用是被广大工薪消费阶层所能接受的。由于学制较短,所以相比之下花销的费用也就不多了。比如说中国的硕士研究生课程需要三年,而英国(taught)的研究生学制只有一年(学费大约在1-2万英镑之间),比起三年的学制,即省去了两年的学费,又能多出两年投入社会的时间,所以英国留学的费用是比较合理的。 六、允许兼职打工: 在英国,专为留学生所设置的合法打工途径灵活多样。留学生无需另外申请工作许可证,即可从事每周20小时的兼职工作。在假期还可全职打工。 七、自然环境好: 英国最讲究人的生存环境,郑个国家可以说是一个大花园。在英国,空气新鲜,基本没有灰尘,雨后的小路赤脚走回家脚底都不会脏。到处是历史悠久,自然生成的花草树木和天然景区。草坪清洁,湖水清澈,各种飞鸟,松鼠,天鹅等随处可见。 八、留学生优惠政策: 在英国,尤其是在伦敦的留学生都会感觉到伦敦的消费其实和中国的差不多,比中国贵的也就算是交通和房租了。而对于留学生来讲,只要您是超过6个月的T4留学生签证,学校都会立即给您申办学生交通打折卡(满天飞)。您在伦敦乘坐火车,地铁,轻轨,公交等一律享受7折票价优惠。而关于住房,政府也对学生实行政府税(COUNCIL Tax)100%全免的优惠政策。 九、签证快捷便利: 去英国,申请签证一般并不会太难。因为英国政府非常鼓励外国学生赴英留学,所以只要留学生能提供出充足财力证明和合理的学习计划,一般都能顺利拿到签证,现在实行签证积分制度后,申请英国留学签证流程更加清晰简便。 十、福利保障: 留学生持有6个月以上英国留学签证,即可享受免费医疗服务(现已改为每年150镑固定费用),无需购买医疗保险。公共设施对其免费开放。您知道吗?在英国有很多世界知名的博物馆(大英历史博物馆;自然历史博物馆;一战二战等诸多军事博物馆,海军历史博物馆,科学历史博物馆等)一律免费开放。 |
5-7岁:学前教育; 7-13岁:小学教育; 13-16岁:初中教育; 16-19岁:高中教育(或中专,职业技术教育) 19-23岁:大学教育(或其他高等教育) 专科为三年,本科为四年, 硕士为三年 英国教育体制(简析): 4-5岁:幼儿园; 5-6岁:学前班; 6-11岁:小学教育; 11-14岁:中学教育(初中) 14-16岁:高中教育(或职业教育) 16岁以上可进入大学,或其他高等教育 英国大学专科为两年,本科为三年,硕士为一年(Taught),博士为三年 另外,英国注重素质教育,从初中开始都是根据学生的自愿选择2-3科主修课目,高中(A-level)后则根据主修课的成绩选择大学(成绩越好可选择的大学越多),无需高考,大学宽进严出。 由此可见,中国的小学至高中的基础教育远比英国的科目开得多,所以中国的基础教育是世界闻名的。在中国的学生只要完成了初中教育,即使在学校里成绩中下游,来英国后只要过得了英语关在英国都是学习名列前茅的‘高材生’。 留学专家认为,如果中国的学生在中国完成初中或高中教育,而来英国进行高中或大学教育,为最佳方案。 |
Study in the UKThe UK is a welcoming, diverse and popular destination for international students. Coming to a university or college here will give you world-class teaching and help you develop great skills for success in the global workforce.
Search over 25,000 higher education courses in the UK. Browse undergraduate, postgraduate, pre-masters, MBA, English language and foundation study options by location, level and subject type, building a list of courses that suit your UK study requirements. Applying with AGSO Lawyers is fast and simple. We design study plan which is best suitable for you based on your background, recommend universities, edit your personal statement and review your supporting documents. We help you arrange the test of your English language level in the university & College where close to you and build a plan to achieve your target score when necessary, and our visa specialists can help secure your student visa. There are a variety of reasons that you should consider studying in the UK. Some of these reasons involve your academic life, but they also include your life in general. Let’s take a look. Academic Benefits Your Education Will Be Recognized Wherever You Go If you decide to get your education in England, your degree will be recognized and respected, no matter where you end up being employed. The education will provide you with a solid foundation and boost your potential for having a higher salary and finding exactly what job you want. Every English university is recognized worldwide for having creative and challenging environments that help their students to push themselves to the extreme. Their standards are incredibly high, and year after year, the universities are tested for how well they are meeting modern challenges. The higher education system in England has been the basis for higher education standards in other countries for years. Thinking of studying in the UK There are countless educational institutions in the UK. In England, there are over 3000 educational institutions (as of 2014), and almost every single one of them has opportunities for international students to study there. You can choose from a variety of different undergraduate and graduate degrees, and combine your courses in order to make a degree program that suits your needs and interests. English educational institutions have a rich history and tradition of providing world class education to their students. Oxford and Cambridge are names that are known throughout the world because of their high quality courses and devotion to education quality and performance. You can find literally any course that you want in the UK, and you will find at least one (likely more) schools that will help you excel in your area of expertise. You’ll get the Skills You Need to Succeed In today’s world economy, you need specific skills and qualities to be able to succeed in your field. Employers want high quality employees who have specific skill sets, including effective, critical, and creative thinking skills. They also want people with a grasp on English – what better way for you to learn English than to learn it in the country of its origin? You can immerse yourself and learn to live, work, and think in the English language. The learning experience that you will receive when you study in the UK is one that will provide you with the skills you need. You’ll be encouraged to read, think independently, question and analyze what you read and learn. Did you know that English scientists and institutions have won almost 100 Nobel Prizes? Very few countries can claim that level of achievement. People who study art, fashion, film, TV, and video game design are considered among the best in the world. UK Knows How To Treat International Students UK is one of the most popular countries to travel to for the purpose of earning an education. Generations of international students have come to the UK for their educations, which means that English universities have decades of experience in working with international students. That means you’ll get the red carpet treatment from the time you start applying until you walk across the stage for your degree. There are two major organizations that can help you find out what you need to do in order to study in England as an international student. The British Council can work with you on every aspect of applying to university, find which university fits for your needs, and getting ready to come to England. The Universities and Colleges Admissions Service can also help you to apply to institutions across England as well. After you’ve been accepted, your university will treat you well as well. Many institutions will help you get from the airport to your living accommodations, and some even guarantee living accommodations for the first year you are there. Every university has an international student society that will help you become adjusted to life in the UK and connect you with other international students. Financial Benefits English Universities are Affordable, No Matter Which You Choose English degrees take much less time, on average, then degrees from other countries. Where other countries take at least four years for an undergraduate degree and two or three years for a postgraduate degree; England only takes three years for an undergraduate degree, and one year for a postgraduate (unless you are in research, then it may take 18 months to 3 years). That means that you are spending less money overall. On top of that, there is a lot of “free money” (scholarships, grants, and bursaries) available from English institutions that are just for international students. Over 20,000 international students also get other financial aid from the English government, and you can work while you’re studying in England as well. The Cost Of Living is Reasonable We discuss the cost of living in another article on this site, but as you will be able to see, it’s fairly reasonable to live in the UK. Obviously, it will cost a bit more if you live in a city like London, but in general, costs are reasonable. You’ll want to do research before you come in order to learn more about the cost of living in your particular area. The cost of living also includes health care, and in the UK, that’s not much of a worry at all. UK is one of the countries which has an institutionalized, national health care system, which will reduce your overall health care costs. In another one of our articles, we explore the National Health Service (NHS) and how that can help you stay healthy during your time studying in the UK. Other Benefits England Has a Unique Culture England is quite a unique place. Thousands of families from around the world have decided to live in England, which gives it a rich, multicultural atmosphere that you cannot find anywhere else in the world. Every year, over 200,000 international students decide to study in England. You’ll get to mix and meet people throughout the world, and your experience will be even richer because of being able to interact with so many different types of people. You’ll get insights into other countries and cultures, and learn a lot more than you may have been able to in your home country. England isn’t just unique because of its cosmopolitan flair, though. England is the largest country in all of the United Kingdom, and it holds a rich, interesting history that makes it an ideal place for people of all backgrounds. Commerce is also immense in cities like London. The nightlife is varied all over the country, and there is always something to do. Art galleries, concerts, open air markets, and pubs are popular places for the English to congregate and enjoy themselves. If you decide to study in England, you will never be bored, there is always something new to do, and there are always new people to meet. England is the Gateway to The Rest of Europe If you want to travel Europe, England is the place to be. In the United Kingdom alone, you can travel to Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland and learn about the different backgrounds and lifestyles in each country. Public transportation makes it simple to travel the entire United Kingdom and take in the sights and sounds. As a student, you can receive special rates for transportation when you buy monthly passes. Those same public transportation routes can be utilized to reach the rest of Europe. The Chunnel (English Channel Tunnel) can take you right into mainland Europe within a day. You can obtain public transportation passes for the countries close to the UK, and you can explore wherever you want on the continent. Just make sure you have the necessary paperwork to do so (passports), and take the time you’ll have on weekends and long breaks in order to take in the sights and sounds of the rest of mainland Europe. A world class education in a multicultural world can help to make you ready for the life that you will have after university. And it really helps that you will be able to enjoy UK and Europe in a unique way that you couldn’t anywhere else. Now that you’ve taken a look, why won’t you consider studying abroad in the UK? For more details and further information, please contact us in order to get what you need to study in the UK successfully. |