Tier 1 - Investor 投资移民
首次签证已于2022年2月17日取消,何时恢复或相关政策变动欢迎随时关注我们。2022年2月17日之前拿到首次签证的申请人将来续签/永居不受影响。 2019年3月29日开始投资移民签证的申请人如果不能提供资金来源材料的话,200万英镑需要在账户里存放需不少于2年,而且来英国后不在刻意购买英国国债,但鼓励投资到英国本地的活跃企业。已经拿到签证的客户申请续签/永居不受影响。详情欢迎来电咨询! Tier 1 投资移民是计点积分签证体系 (PBS) 下为高净值客户通过做出实质性的投资继而定居在英国的签证类别。 此移民项目为了吸引更多的投资者将其资金投入英国。内政部在2011年4月6日对该移民项目做出了相应的调整,并从2015年9月1日起申请人需要提供最近10年的无犯罪记录证明/公证。 从2014年11月6日起,申请人必须获至少75分才能成功申请到签证。申请人可以通过以下方式来得分:
申请人必须通过上面途径获得75分才有资格申请该签证。 投资移民下的申请人无英语要求。 投资和资金来源 如果申请人持有的200万英镑存款在递交申请时少于24个月,则需要提供资金来源证明。 至少两百万英镑需要在指定日期起三个月内通过投资英国本地活跃企业,购买在英国注册公司的股票或债券来进行投资。如果您在境外申请的Tier 1 投资移民入境许可,这个指定日期从您进入英国开始。 资金可在英国支配,意味着该笔资金已存放在英国的金融机构。如果该笔资金在英国境外,申请人必须要有英国境内的银行账户(我行可协助在英国境外的客户开立英国境内的银行投资账户),并需证明至少有200万英镑的资金可以自由汇入英国。 当英国大使馆/内政部有理由怀疑的如下情况,申请有可能会被拒绝:
Tier 1 投资移民签证有效期及永久居留权 初次签证有效期为3年4个月的入境许可(在英国境外申请)或是3年的签证(在英国境内申请签证类转换)。 满足申请永居(ILR)的时间为: 5 年获得永居,总投资金额为不少于一百万英镑(只适用于2014年11月6日前递交的申请); 5年获得永居,总投资金额为不少于二百万英镑; 3年获得永居,投资金额不少于五百万英镑; 2年获得永居,投资金额不少于一千万英镑。 因此,以5年永居路线为例,投资一百万英镑(2014年11月6日前)和两百万英镑的申请人需要在首次签证到期前续签两年的签证来完成在英国居住并维持投资持续5年不少于指定金额(以当天的市值计算)才可申请永居。 获得英国国籍的居住时间要求并不会因为投资更多的资金缩短,即使申请人已投入一千万英镑,并在两年后获得了英国永久居留权,依然需要在英国再以永久居民的身份生活三年之后申请英国国籍(满足入籍的5年居住要求)。 续签 自从2014年11月6日起,关于Tier 1 投资移民类别的移民法有显著的变化。现在有两种Tier1 投资移民签证共同实行,它们的续签要求不同,因此您的签证属于哪个类别对于您的续签申请至关重要: 1. 在2014年11月6日前的移民条例下获得签证的申请人的续签要求: 已经投资了至少一百万英镑的移民需要申请有效期为两年的续签签证才可满足在英国居住五年申请永居(ILR)的要求。 申请人需要通过下面途径得到75分-
在2014年11月6日或之后的移民条例下获得签证的申请人的续签要求; 已经投资了至少两百万英镑的移民需要申请有效期为两年的续签签证才可满足在英国居住五年申请永居(ILR)的要求。 申请人需要通过下面途径得到75分-
注:2019年3月29日之后递交申请的投资移民申请人来英国后将不再允许投资英国国债。 注:以上仅为简单介绍,而且并没有包括杠杆投资计划。详情欢迎来电咨询或预约来我行与专业移民律师面谈,谢谢! |
Tier 1 (Investor) is the category under the Points Based System for high net worth individuals making a substantial financial investment to settle in the UK. Initial application is closed since 17 Feb 2022, but existing applicants can still apply for further Leave to Remain and IRL (Settlement). Tier 1 (Investor): funds should be held in the bank account for 2 years prior to application from 29 March 2019 if the applicant can't provide the documents for the source of fund.
Initial application Since 06.11.2014 applicants have been required to score at least 75 points in total to successfully apply for this visa and can claim points in the following way:
The applicant must claim 75 points using one of the above-mentioned options to qualify for this visa. There are no English language or maintenance requirements for Investors.Investments and source of funding The money should be held in the bank account for 3 months prior to application (from 29 March 2019 this is increased to 24 months). If the money has been held in the bank account or portfolio for less than 3 months, then it is necessary to give specified evidence of the source of the money. The source of funding in this case can be one of the following:
Money should be disposable in the UK which means that it is held in a UK based financial institution or, if held outside the UK, it must be freely transferable to the UK and convertible to sterling. It can include money belonging to the applicant's spouse, civil partner or unmarried or same-sex partner, provided that specified documents are provided. From 06/04/2015 applicants will no longer need to invest additional capital if they sell part of their investments at a loss, but they will be required to maintain all their capital within their investment portfolios. Buying and selling investments will continue to be permitted, providing the investor does not withdraw any capital. Applications will be refused if the British Embassy/Home Office has reasonable grounds that:
Tier 1 (Investor) migrants will be able to invite their spouse/unmarried partner/civil partner and children under 18 years of age to join them as dependants. The dependants will be given full rights to work in the UK apart from working as a Trainee Doctor/Dentist or professional sportsperson or sports coach. PBS dependants can now apply from within the UK, as long as they are not here illegally, as visitors, or on temporary admission or temporary release. Duration of Tier 1 (Investor) and settlement First time applicants will be given 3 years’ and 4 months’ leave to enter or three years’ leave to remain if they switch from another immigration category. Qualifying period for settlement (ILR) is:
The requirements relating to naturalization applications have not been affected and even if they obtain ILR in two years by investing £10 million in the UK economy they would still be required to wait for another 3 years and comply with the residence requirements in order to apply for naturalization. Allowable absences The Tier 1 (Investor) migrants will be allowed to remain outside the UK for maximum 180 days in any calendar year without losing their right to apply for permanent settlement after 2 years (£10 Million investment), 3 years (£ 5 million investment) or 5 years (£1 million investment for applicants whose initial application was made prior to 06.11.2014, £2 million for all other applicants). Extension Application The Immigration Rules changed significantly on 06.11.2014 for the Tier 1 (Investor) category. There are now two types of Tier 1 (Investor) visas and their requirements are very different so it is important to know the category under which you fall. The two categories are as follows:
Migrants who have invested the minimum of £1m will require a visa extension for 2 years to enable them to complete five years residence in the UK and apply for ILR. The applicant has to score 75 points under this section which can be claimed- - By providing documentary evidence that the applicant has money of his own under his control in the UK amounting to not less than £1 million (Max. 30 Points) Or - By providing documentary evidence that the applicant owns personal assets having a value exceeding £2 million and the applicant has money under his control held in a regulated financial institution and disposable in the UK amounting to no less than £1 million that has been loaned to him by a financial institution regulated by the FSA (Max. 30 Points) - By providing documentary evidence that the applicant has invested not less than £750,000 of his capital in the UK by way of UK Government bonds, share capital or loan capital in active and trading UK registered companies other than those principally engaged in property investment (Max. 30 points) - By providing documentary evidence that the investment has been made within 3 months of obtaining entry clearance/leave to enter/leave to remain and that the investment has been maintained for the whole of the remaining period of that leave (Max. 15 points) Or By providing evidence that the applicant has or was last granted entry clearance, leave to enter or leave to remain as an Investor (Max. 15 points) Investors, who applied for visa before 6th of November 2014, will be able to rely on funds of the un-mortgaged private property, which is the applicant’s main home. In case the property is co-owned, the investor can rely only on his share. The applicant can only claim 75 points if he can provide the relevant documentary evidence and claim points in the way mentioned above. Requirements for an extension application - Tier 1 (Investor) - granted initial entry clearance, leave to remain under the rules in place on or after 6 November 2014. Migrants who have invested the minimum of £2m will require a visa extension for 2 years to enable them to complete five years residence in the UK and apply for ILR. The applicant has to score 75 points under this section which can be claimed- - By providing documentary evidence to show that the applicant has invested not less than £2 million in the UK by way of UK Government bonds, share capital or loan capital in active and trading UK registered companies subject. Investment excludes investment by the applicant by the way of companies mainly engaged in property investment, property management or property development. - By providing documentary evidence to show that the investment was made within 3 months of the applicant’s specified date. The applicant can only claim 75 points if he can provide the relevant documentary evidence and claim points in the way mentioned above. From 06/04/2015 applicants will no longer need to invest additional capital if they sell part of their investments at a loss, but they will be required to maintain all their capital within their investment portfolios. Buying and selling investments will continue to be permitted, providing the investor does not withdraw any capital. |